Comic-Con 2013

If you’re going to Comic-Con, be sure to come by my talk on Friday July 19th at 2pm, room 26AB. I’ll be talking about some of my experiments on “Comics and the Brain.” Here’s the full listing:

Comics Arts Conference Session #8: Comics Theory

Scott Daniel Boras (Winona State University) examines the sensory experience of reading comics, what it means to be a collector, and other aspects of materiality that might be lost or left behind when comic books go digital. Neil Cohn (University of California, San Diego) summarize what the latest research from cognitive neuroscience tells us about what happens in your brain when you read comics. Kay K. Clopton (Ohio State University) analyzes how speech, sound, and emotive effects feed into the experience of reading American and Japanese women’s comics.
Friday July 19, 2013 2:00pm – 3:00pm 

Also… full website relaunching coming soon in just a few days!


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