Not MIA!

Unfortunately blogging has had to take somewhat of a back seat lately, as my workload has been just crazy.

At the end of this week I should finish running participants through my brainwave study using comics, though I can already confirm that the results are just fantastic. I think I can confidently characterize how the brain processes narrative sequential images, and its really quite exciting (with pretty solid evidence against panel transitions). Stay tuned… (though I’ll say already that this will be the topic of my ComicCon talk in summer).

Otherwise, I’ve been working on writing up several other studies that have been ruminating in my computer. What with the multiple articles currently under review for journals and books, over the next few years I should have a steady stream of new papers emerging.

Beyond that, the publisher De Gruyter has been nice enough to provide me with a review copy of the recent volume Multimodal Metaphor which has lots of chapters on comics. Once I have a little more time I’ll be writing reviews of the book and relevant chapters.


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