Steven Seagle has a decent piece up at the First Second blog about visual storytelling. He nicely taps into a simplified version of some of the same things that I’ve been pushing for my theory of visual grammar. The exercise he uses to rearrange panels is very reminiscent of linguistics methods, and is also a good one that shows how a broader structure exists above and beyond the so-called ‘transitions’ between panels.
Along these lines, Matt Madden and Jessica Abel will soon have a “how to” book coming out about comics. I’ve been hearing that its somewhat theory oriented, so the book should be an interesting read. So, keep an eye out in the coming months.
Finally, keep an eye on this very site in the next week. I will finally — finally — be posting the results of my experiment about comic page layouts shooting for next Monday. This one has been a long time coming — I first ran the experiment almost 4 years ago and have been working on the paper since last spring! The project tested whether or not people read comic page layouts using the “left-to-right and down” path like text. A preview: the answer is “not really.”
Finally, last month was my most trafficked month ever, so, thanks to everyone that’s been reading my site lately!