New Essay: Time Frames… Or Not

Wow, its been a really long time since I last posted a new downloadable essay. Well, if you’ve been anxiously awaiting one, today is your lucky day! I’ve just posted my latest theoretical offering, “Time Frames… Or Not,” where I tackle the assumptions that lead to the (false) belief that successive panels equal moments in time. Here’s the full abstract:

The juxtaposition of two images often produces the illusory sense of time passing, as found in the visual language used in modern comic books. While this linear sequence may seem on the surface to present a succession of individual moments, the understanding of graphic narrative is hardly so simple. This paper will explore how the linearity of reading panels and the iconicity of images create various assumptions about the conveyance of meaning across sequential images relation to space and time.

Astute and long-time readers of this blog will remember that I mentioned writing this paper way back in January of this year. Its good to finally get it done and out!

Like many, I’ll be back to school come Tuesday, so hope you all enjoy the day off!


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