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The Visual Thinking and Composition Research Skills course taught by Neil Cohn at Tilburg University aims to teach masters students in the Communication and Information Sciences program basic drawing and visual communication skills. The final project for this class is to summarize and “translate” an academic paper into a short comic.
Below are links to these works of science communication for the 2019 VTC class.
Links on student’s names or image will open the pdf of the comic. Links to the original paper will bring you to the scientific article. Enjoy!
The Portrayal of Men and Women in American Television Commercials
by Abiodun Jason Abayomi
McArthur, L. Z., & Resko, B. G. (1975). The portrayal of men and women in American television commercials. The journal of social psychology, 97(2), 209-220.
Mobile Mindfulness
by Amber van Anen
Flett, J.A.M., Hayne, H., Riordan, B.C., Thompson, L.M., & Conner, T.S. (2018). Mobile Mindfulness Meditation: a Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effect of Two Popular Apps on Mental Health, Mindfulness, 10, 863-876.
Fight of the endorser
by Zainab Azdad
Schouten, A. P., Janssen, L., & Verspaget, M. (2020). Celebrity vs. Influencer endorsements in advertising: the role of identification, credibility, and Product-Endorser fit. International journal of advertising, 39(2), 258-281.
Love at first swipe?
by Amy Balemans
Ranzini, G., & Lutz, C. (2017). Love at first swipe? Explaining Tinder self-presentation and motives. Mobile Media & Communication, 5(1), 80-101.
Embodied Metaphors and Creative “Acts”
by Michelle Beckers
Leung, A. K. Y., Kim, S., Polman, E., Ong, L. S., Qiu, L., Goncalo, J. A., & Sanchez-Burks, J. (2012). Embodied metaphors and creative “acts”. Psychological science, 23(5), 502-509.
Social Media and Romantic Relationship
by Iris Beniers
Bouffard, S., Giglio, D., & Zheng, Z. (2021). Social Media and Romantic Relationship: Excessive Social Media Use Leads to Relationship Conflicts, Negative Outcomes, and Addiction via Mediated Pathways. Social Science Computer Review, 08944393211013566.
The Influence of Emotional Involvement on Online Activist Behaviour
by Boaz van den Berg
Berg, van den. B. (2020). The Influence of Emotional Involvement on Online Activist Behaviour. Utrecht University Thesis Archive.
Influence of Licensed Characters on Children’s Taste and Snack Preferences
by Rianna Blonk
Roberto, C. A., Baik, J., Harris, J. L., & Brownell, K. D. (2010). Influence of Licensed Characters on Children’s Taste and Snack Preferences. Pediatrics, 126(1), 88–93.
Arbitrariness, Iconicity and Systematicity in Language
by Qianyu Cheng
Dingemanse, M., Blasi, D. E., Lupyan, G., Christiansen, M. H. & Monaghan, P. (2015). Arbitrariness, iconicity and systematicity in language. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19(10), 603–615.
The Blue Planet effect
by Julia Deelman
Dunn, M. E., Mills, M., & Veríssimo, D. (2020). Evaluating the impact of the documentary series Blue Planet II on viewers’ plastic consumption behaviors. Conservation Science and Practice, 2(10), e280.
Using social media to cope with these extraordinary times
by Noortje Dillen
Cauberghe, V., Van Wesenbeeck, I., De Jans, S., Hudders, L., & Ponnet, K. (2021). How adolescents use social media to cope with feelings of loneliness and anxiety during COVID-19 lockdown. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 24(4), 250-257.
The Gap and Motivated Reasoning
by Hannah Düser
Bayes, R., & Druckman, J. N. (2021). Motivated reasoning and climate change. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 42, 27-35.
Why festival brands should use social media
by Kirsten Egging
Hudson, S., Roth, M. S., Madden, T. J., & Hudson, R. (2015). The effects of social media on emotions, brand relationship quality, and word of mouth: An empirical study of music festival attendees. Tourism management, 47, 68-76.
Instagram vs. Reality
by Agata Engwert
Tiggemann, M., & Anderberg, I. (2020). Social media is not real: The effect of ‘Instagram vs reality’images on women’s social comparison and body image. New Media & Society, 22(12), 2183-2199.
Parachutes, are they scientifically sound?
by Oscar Faber
Smith, G. C., & Pell, J. P. (2003). Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma related to gravitational challenge: systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Bmj, 327(7429), 1459-1461.
A graphic translation of: Psychedelic Microdosing
by Julia Geirnaerdt
Lea, T., Amada, N., & Jungaberle, H. (2020). Psychedelic microdosing: a subreddit analysis. Journal of psychoactive drugs, 52(2), 101-112.
Riverdale’s representation research
by Marleen Gerritsen
Gerritsen, M. (2021). “You act like we’ve got the same set of options”: Queer representation in current teen shows and their role on heteronormativity among generations. (Master’s thesis). Radboud University, Nijmegen
Microdosing Psychedelics
by Ellen Hoekstra
Lea, T., Amada, N., Jungaberle, H., Schecke, H., & Klein, M. (2020). Microdosing psychedelics: motivations, subjective effects and harm reduction. International Journal of Drug Policy, 75, 102600.
Gebruik en behoeftevervulling van Discord
by Nigel Korthout
Korthout, N. 2021. Gebruik en behoeftevervulling van Discord. Bachelors thesis. Tilburg University.
Picture Perfect
by Jessie Maassen
Kleemans, M., Daalmans, S., Carbaat, I., & Anschütz, D. (2018). Picture perfect: The direct effect of manipulated Instagram photos on body image in adolescent girls. Media Psychology, 21(1), 93-110.
A closer look at the digital nomad lifestyle
by Ellen Martens
Thompson, B. Y. (2019). The digital nomad lifestyle:(remote) work/leisure balance, privilege, and constructed community. International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure, 2(1), 27-42.
Negative consequences from heavy social networking in adolescents
by Imre Meier
Feld, L. D., & Shusterman, A. (2015). Into the pressure cooker: Student stress in college preparatory high schools. Journal of Adolescence, 41, 31-42.
The identification process of Emily with an influencer and a traditional celebrity
by Jady Meijer
Schouten, A. P., Janssen, L., & Verspaget, M. (2020). Celebrity vs. Influencer endorsements in advertising: the role of identification, credibility, and Product-Endorser fit. International journal of advertising, 39(2), 258-281.
The importance of user-generated photos in restaurant selection
by Brinalda Mercelina
Oliveira, B., & Casais, B. (2018). The importance of user-generated photos in restaurant selection. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology.
Monkeys reject unequal pay
by Anne-Line Munsterman
Brosnan, S. F., & De Waal, F. B. (2003). Monkeys reject unequal pay. Nature, 425(6955), 297-299.
Do you recognize its brand?
by Xiao Xia Nguyen
Li, H., & Lo, H. Y. (2015). Do you recognize its brand? The effectiveness of online in-stream video advertisements. Journal of advertising, 44(3), 208-218.
Is social media really a threat to youths’ literacy?
by Knar Ohanjanyan
Verheijen, L., & Spooren, W. (2021). The impact of WhatsApp on Dutch youths’ school writing and spelling. Journal of Writing Research, 13(1), 155-191.
The Potential of Interactive Digital Narratives
by Juul Riethorst
van Enschot, R., Boogaard, I., Koenitz, H., & Roth, C. (2019, November). The potential of interactive digital narratives. agency and multiple perspectives in last hijack interactive. In International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (pp. 158-169). Springer, Cham.
Obsession with Perfection
by Cheryl Roser
Vashi, N. A. (2016). Obsession with perfection: Body dysmorphia. Clinics in dermatology, 34(6), 788-791.
Grand Challenges for Augmented Reality
by Philippe Slot
Billinghurst, M. (2021). Grand Challenges for Augmented Reality. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2, 12.
The influence of color of light…
by Yasmilla Stolvoort
Özkul, E., Bilgili, B., & Koç, E. (2020). The Influence of the color of light on the customers’ perception of service quality and satisfaction in the restaurant. Color Research & Application, 45(6), 1217-1240.
The effect of playing advergames that promote energy-dense snacks or fruit on actual food intake among children
by Barbara Streppel
Folkvord, F., Anschütz, D. J., Buijzen, M., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2013). The effect of playing advergames that promote energy-dense snacks or fruit on actual food intake among children. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 97(2), 239-245.
Realising the Benefits of Sports and Physical Activity: The Human Capital Model
by Trix Tempels
Bailey, R., Cope, E., & Parnell, D. (2015). Realising the benefits of sports and physical activity: the human capital model. Retos: Nuevas Perspectivas de Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación, (28), 147-154.
the Inefficiency of Splitting the Bill
by Martina Verni
Gneezy, U., Haruvy, E., & Yafe, H. (2004). The inefficiency of splitting the bill. The Economic Journal, 114(495), 265-280.
Beowulf: Broken Down
by Janessa Vleghert
Porck, T., & Stolk, S. (2017). Marking Boundaries in Beowulf: Æschere’s Head, Grendel’s Arm and the Dragon’s Corpse. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik, 77(3-4), 521-540.
Why Children Need Fairy Tales
by Celine Wetzer
Bettelheim’s, B. (2013). Children need fairy tales. Televizion, 26, 17-18.