27-28 June 2024 (Thursday and Friday)
Thank you to all who participated in VisLang2024! We hope to host another VisLang conference in the future so please stay connected to this website and our social media for more information.
The last two decades have seen an increasing focus on visual and multimodal media, particularly comics, emoji, and memes both in society and in scholarship. Growing work has applied theories and empirical methods from the linguistic and cognitive sciences to the study of visual and multimodal communication. The Visual Language Conference (VisLang) at Tilburg University aims to bring together scholars focused on these issues to further work towards establishing a community around this research for a two-day on 27-28 June 2024 (Thursday and Friday).
Registration is now closed. Additional inquiries can be sent to Neil Cohn.
Lectures and registration will be held in the Marge Klompé (MK) Building on Tilburg campus, while lunch and posters will be in the Dante (D) Building.
Presenters will appear in person at Tilburg University, but we plan for the conference to be livestreamed for remote participation. The full program is here:
VisLang2024 Conference Program (pdf)
For talks: Each talk will be given a 20 minute time slot plus 10 minutes for questions
For posters: Poster presentations will each happen for 1-hour in the afternoons of each day of the conference with a mix of academic posters and local comic creators. The dimensions should be for A0 posters (84.1 x 118.8 cm) with a vertical orientation. Presenters are welcome to bring posters of any type, although we often recommend the durability and ease of travel with fabric posters.
Lunches will be provided for conference attendees. A conference dinner will be held on Thursday 27 June at the Tilburg University Esplanade (€27-41 per person).
Travel information:
Tilburg University is located in the city of Tilburg, in the south of the Netherlands, roughly 1.5 hours by train from Amsterdam. The university is accessible via trains from several surrounding cities (at the Tilburg University train stop), and by busses (and bikes!) within Tilburg. Within Tilburg, we recommend the following accommodation options:
Additional questions can be sent to neilcohn@visuallanguagelab.com